VODAK Antares Carbon ALL +
Description of wood
VODAK Antares Carbon ALL + is a universal wood with two layers of carbon. The wood moves at the all + / off- level and is intended for versatile technical players, who play a more aggressive technical precision game and are actively trying to defeat their opponents. The pleasant soft-feel guarantees great control over the blow and does not punish every small mistake.
Antares Carbon wood will suit players who like the feeling of carbon in harder strokes, but at the same time demand more control and fast carbon offensive woods do not suit them. With this wood you can also play a more active game with defensive covers such as grass or anti, or a classic defense further from the table.
If you would find Antares Carbon ALL + wood slow, you can choose a faster and more striking colleague of this wood VODAK Rebel Carbon OFF.
Ingredients: limba-limba-carbon-kiri-carbon-limba-limba
The wood is varnished and is ready for immediate gluing of coatings.
You can read a review of this wood here
Wood parameters: